As teachers, we always seem to be short on time for everything. But we’ve come up with a solution for helping you review sight words quickly and efficiently: it’s our…
New: Practice Corner for Quick Sight Words Review
Learning Phonics is Easier and Faster with Music and Movement
Learning to sound out words with phonics is a vital part of learning to read. I, (Heidi), have always thought so, but now the collection of research known as the…
Heggerty Nursery Rhyme Video Collection on!
News Flash: All Nursery rhymes from the Pre-K and Kindergarten Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Program are now available as music videos on! Do you love to teach nursery rhymes? Do…
How to Use an Alphabet Letter of the Week Focus Wall with HeidiSongs
Our Letter of the Week Focus Wall Chart is such a fun way to review the alphabet daily! In this post, I will share with you what it looks like…
CVC Cut & Glue Puzzles Plus Word Family Songs for the WIN!
Today, we are going to tell you about using our new CVC Cut and Glue Puzzles with HeidiSongs music videos to help kids learn to read decodable words! It’s that…
How I Got 92% of My Kids to Master Decodable CVC Words in Kindergarten
Today, I will tell you how I got 92% of my Kindergarten students to master 100% of their decodable, three-letter (consonant-vowel-consonant or CVC) words primarily by singing our Word Family Songs! This…
Tips for Teaching Sight Words Effectively in the Classroom
Here are some tips for teaching sight words effectively in the classroom, and for using Sing and Spell the Sight Words ! If you want to help your kids learn…
Spooky Songs for October!
Spooky season is here! It’s time for spooky songs for October! The moment October 1st hits, kids are wired and ready to talk about all things Halloween, aren’t they? It…
15+ (Mostly) FREE Hands-On Alphabet Letter Building Ideas!
Today, I am excited to share more than 15 hands-on ways for kids to build a letter! Building alphabet letters is a great way to help children remember its shape…