Sight words are words that cannot be sounded out because they use irregular spellings. We learn them by recognizing them “on sight.”
How HeidiSongs Aligns to the Science of Reading (SOR)
The Science of Reading and HeidiSongs are very well aligned, and in fact, they complement each other! But do you know why? If you’re a teacher, you have probably heard…
How I Taught My Kids to SPELL the FIRST 100 SIGHT WORDS!
Do your students have to pass a spelling test that includes the first ONE HUNDRED sight words? Mine did! If you, too, are responsible for teaching your first graders to…
Helping Kids Conquer DIBELS!!!
Do you do DIBELS at your school? If you are a parent, does your child take DIBELS tests? DIBELS seems to be quite a mystery for many adults, both parents…
Help! My Child Failed the DIBELS Test!
When children fail tests, parents often panic. And when children fail tests like DIBELS that parents have never even heard of and don’t understand, the feeling intensifies! I received…
New: Practice Corner for Quick Sight Words Review
As teachers, we always seem to be short on time for everything. But we’ve come up with a solution for helping you review sight words quickly and efficiently: it’s our…
Tips for Teaching Sight Words Effectively in the Classroom
Here are some tips for teaching sight words effectively in the classroom, and for using Sing and Spell the Sight Words ! If you want to help your kids learn…
Catching Kids Up on Sight Words at Home with Music
Does your child need to learn basic sight words the summer? You can easily teach your kids sight words at home with music, movement, videos, and fun activities in just…