Spooky season is here! It’s time for spooky songs for October! The moment October 1st hits, kids are wired and ready to talk about all things Halloween, aren’t they? It…
Spooky Songs for October!
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What’s Working in Transitional Kindergarten: Month One
School is officially in session! Here in Southern California, we are approaching the one month mark in school. Meanwhile up in Washington state, my sister’s family, along with Miss Heidi…
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Must-Haves for Back to School
It’s time! Back-to-school season is upon us. Maybe you have already begun, or you could be one of the lucky ones with a few weeks left of summer! Either way,…
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Catching Kids Up on Sight Words at Home with Music
Does your child need to learn basic sight words the summer? You can easily teach your kids sight words at home with music, movement, videos, and fun activities in just…
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