Most children are taught to read in kindergarten these days. This is now a big surprise to many parents, who have fond memories of blocks, painting, stories, play dough, and playtime from their own experiences in kindergarten! I distinctly remember singing (what else, LOL!) in Kindergarten, my lovely teacher’s name (Mrs. Brazil!), playing on the playground, and little else. But the reality is that children are now expected to learn the basics of reading in Kindergarten. Those wonderful memories adults may have of their earliest school experiences are now activities mostly done in preschools instead of Kindergartens, I’m sad to say!
So what can parents do to prepare their children to learn to read in Kindergarten? And if your preschool child is advanced, how can you help your child get ahead and stay there? Here are some ways to help prepare your child to be ready to learn to read when the time comes. By the way, if you would like a free PDF download of this blog post to distribute to friends, parents of your students, or anyone else you think would benefit from it, just click here. Thank you!
Preparing Your Child to Learn to Read in Kindergarten
1. READ to Your Child for at Least 20 Minutes Daily- and TALK About What You’ve Read!
Research shows that children who are read to daily have larger vocabularies and develop better listening comprehension skills. In fact, a wealth of research supports the fact that parents are children’s first and most important teachers! When children understand what their parents are reading aloud, they eventually understand better what they will read to themselves. They also start to learn what the letters of the alphabet look like. And they often pick up skills such as rhyme and beginning sounds, etc., which are incredibly important to beginning readers!
I also recently stumbled across this brochure online called “Rhymers Are Readers: The Importance of Nursery Rhymes.” Rhymers Are Readers is a wonderful explanation of how nursery rhymes help children get ready to read. It’s short, easy to read, FREE, and I highly recommend you take a look. The arguments they make really hold true for most quality children’s books as well! When children listen to books with rhyming words in them and start to memorize them, these children quickly become readers!
Rhymers Are Readers: Click this link to download the entire four-page document.
This is just a screenshot of page one.
Children should have plenty of books at home to read! Don’t forget they are FREE to borrow at your local public library! Also, remember books make great gifts for every holiday! How many plastic toys are around the house that your child needs, anyway? Let relatives know books are always welcome if they are unsure what to get your child for any holiday! Just ask a children’s librarian or whoever is in charge of the children’s section at a bookstore for the current “favorite” book for the child’s age or grade level. You’re sure to get a great one.
2. Teach Your Child the Alphabet and Letter Sounds
We used to learn the alphabet and sounds in Kindergarten. Now, if your child doesn’t know these things on the first day of school, he or she is already behind! The Common Core State Standards tell us the children are supposed to read words with long and short vowels (short vowel word: “mat;” long vowel word: “mate”), common sight words, and write short paragraphs by the end of the year! Common sense will tell you this won’t happen quickly if your child doesn’t know the alphabet and letter sounds. Some children may be able to identify a few basic words without knowing the alphabet, such as names of family members and pets.
However, your child won’t get far in Kindergarten reading without at least knowing the sound of each letter. Children can learn this at home without ever attending preschool! Certainly, preschool makes it easier. But if you cannot afford to send your child to preschool, you can do plenty of things at home to help! One easy way to get started is using our Letters and Sounds videos. Plus, there are plenty of other support materials on our website!
Also, be VERY careful when teaching your child the correct sounds of each letter- especially vowel sounds!
The short vowel sounds can be tricky to isolate and reproduce for people who are not teachers, especially those who did not grow up with English as their first language. After 25 years of experience teaching children to read, I can tell you once a child internalizes the WRONG letter sound, it can be challenging to correct! And a child that mixes up the “i” sound for the “e” sound will read “bit” instead of “bet,” etc. If it is not corrected by the end of first grade and the child is continually guessing at the words, then longer words like “habitually” and “encyclopedia” will be nearly impossible to tackle because readers need to sound out these long words one syllable or part at a time. Anyone unsure of the letter sounds will be just plain stuck.
3. Start Teaching Your Child to Blend Sounds Together EARLY
One of the hardest things beginning readers face is just learning to take three sounds and put them together to make a word. For example, take the sounds /m/ /u/ /g/: put them together, and you get the word “mug.” Your child can learn to do the sound blending part of this task without needing to LOOK at a single letter! All he or she needs to do is listen to the letter sounds an adult makes and listen to that adult put the sounds together to make a word.
Just make a guessing game out of it! For example, you could say, “I spy a toy in the room that rolls, and it’s a /t/ /r/ /u/ /k/.” (Notice, I’m NOT spelling the word aloud. I’m saying the letter sounds aloud!) Then, the child tries to use both the clues about the toy AND the sound blending clues to guess the toy. Get it? This game can be played anywhere and requires no flash cards and nothing special, just the power of speech!
I always tell parents at the beginning of the school year that one of the biggest secrets for nurturing an early reader is teaching the child to blend sounds together.
That way, once the child knows the letter sounds, it is simply a matter of using the sound blending skills he already has, but in print. In my opinion, one of the biggest mistakes many Kindergarten teachers make that could make a difference in their students’ end-of-the-year reading achievement is just waiting to teach their class sound blending until the whole class knows all the letters and sounds. The skill of sound blending does not depend on knowledge of the letter sounds, so there is no reason to wait to teach it. It’s also one of the most challenging bridges for many children to cross, so the earlier you start, the better!
4. Teach Your Child a Few Basic Sight Words
Sight words are words that cannot be sounded out because they don’t follow standard phonics spelling patterns. So beginning readers must learn to recognize them “on sight,” such as “the,” “said,” and “here.” They are often called “High Frequency Words” or “Popcorn Words” since they pop up everywhere! Beginning readers won’t get far while reading unless they know at least a few essential sight words. Nobody agrees on which sight words should be taught first. But according to his research, one expert, Edward Dolch, Ph.D., came up with a list of sight words in the order of frequency that are used in the English language. You can download a list of these words here.
A nice, easy way to teach sight words to active learners through music and movement is simply by putting on one of our HeidiSongs Sight Word video collections and letting your child sing and dance along! I have had children with Oppositional Defiance Disorder (O.D.D.) who have flourished with the songs just playing in the background, even though the child never actually showed any interest in learning. The child just “soaked it in” in a passive way. Learning is slower when there is minimal effort on the part of the child, no doubt. But, once the child experiences some success, he or she will often be more encouraged and want to learn. (Parents, if you don’t know what O.D.D. is, you can read about it here.)
5. Once your child learns to read, make sure you listen to your child read aloud daily.
After your child begins learning to read, you must listen to your child practice reading at home daily! One study found that “children who read to their parents regularly made greater gains than children receiving an equivalent amount of extra reading instruction by reading specialists at school.” (Tizard, Schofield, and Hewison, 1982). This means that when parents sit and LISTEN to their children read, they can make an even more significant difference than if the child went to a reading specialist for the same amount of time! And let’s face it- it’s way cheaper!!! It just takes patience. Here is a blog post that will give you some really GREAT reasons to listen to your child read for at least 20 minutes per day.
Listening to your child read makes such a difference because your child knows it is important to you that they learn to read.
I firmly believe that children feel most loved with quality time.
They know you care about them the most by spending time with them, no matter what. Your time matters much more than whether or not you pay a tutor or reading specialist to help your child. Your child wants to know how important it is to YOU that they put forth the effort to learn to read. And children who struggle to learn to read need their parents’ approval, time, and attention more than any other child. Otherwise, their self-esteem drops so low that they may start to act out at school and become discipline problems!
So, EVEN IF you need to pay a reading specialist or tutor to help your child, you should always make an effort to take the time to listen to your child read at home! Some children even “fake” being poor readers just to win some time and attention from their parents. And that’s kind of sad, isn’t it?
That being said, if your child is having trouble following the rules at school, try this as an experiment: spend an extra half an hour of quality time with your child each day (like reading, playing games, building with legos, etc.) and see if the problem stops.
Sometimes, that’s all it takes! Young children often don’t know how to tell us in words what is bothering them, such as, “I miss spending time with you now that I am at school all day!” Is there a problem at school? Love your child a little more in a tangible way (give them a little more time) and see if that solves it. It’s entirely possible that it is nothing more than that! And it’s important to realize that if this DOES solve the problem, it doesn’t mean you are a terrible parent. It just means your child needs more time than you thought to thrive.
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