The Science of Reading and HeidiSongs are very well aligned, and in fact, they complement each other! But do you know why? If you’re a teacher, you have probably heard…
How HeidiSongs Aligns to the Science of Reading (SOR)
How to Teach Kids to Sound Out Three Letter Words (CVC Words)
We’ve been working on sounding out CVC words recently, so I want to tell you about what’s been working when I teach this concept to my students! 1. How to…
Eight Great Tricks for Sounding Out Three Letter Words
Three-letter words can be tricky for kids to sound out when they are first learning to read. I like to start by teaching them common word families words to get…
Help! My Child Keeps Failing AR Tests!
Hello! Today, I want to tell you how you can help kids improve their reading comprehension and do better on AR (Accelerated Reader) quizzes if they have to take them!…
Helping Kids Conquer DIBELS!!!
Do you do DIBELS at your school? If you are a parent, does your child take DIBELS tests? DIBELS seems to be quite a mystery for many adults, both parents…
Help! My Child Failed the DIBELS Test!
When children fail tests, parents often panic. And when children fail tests like DIBELS that parents have never even heard of and don’t understand, the feeling intensifies! I received…
Kindergarten Reading: What Should Parents Know?
Most children are taught to read in kindergarten these days. This is now a big surprise to many parents, who have fond memories of blocks, painting, stories, play dough, and…