Social Emotional Learning, aka SEL, is a buzzword you have likely heard over the last few years. Even if you haven’t heard that specific term, you’ve undoubtedly encountered content related…
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) for Beginners
How to Help Children Learn SHAPES (and REMEMBER Them!)
What is the best way to help children who are learning shapes? Identifying the basic shapes can be challenging for many young children. Even after being told the names of…
Teaching the Alphabet: Effective Techniques for Late Bloomers
Do you know how to teach the alphabet to “late bloomers,” or any child who is learning a bit more slowly than others? The 52 letters necessary for children to…
Eight Great Tricks for Sounding Out Three Letter Words
Three-letter words can be tricky for kids to sound out when they are first learning to read. I like to start by teaching them common word families words to get…
How to Teach Your Preschooler the Alphabet Through Play
Do you think it is possible for a two year old child to learn the entire alphabet- all of the letters and sounds, out of order- just through play, without…
Help! My Child Keeps Failing AR Tests!
Hello! Today, I want to tell you how you can help kids improve their reading comprehension and do better on AR (Accelerated Reader) quizzes if they have to take them!…
Helping Kids Conquer DIBELS!!!
Do you do DIBELS at your school? If you are a parent, does your child take DIBELS tests? DIBELS seems to be quite a mystery for many adults, both parents…
Help! My Child Failed the DIBELS Test!
When children fail tests, parents often panic. And when children fail tests like DIBELS that parents have never even heard of and don’t understand, the feeling intensifies! I received…
Catching Kids Up on Sight Words at Home with Music
Does your child need to learn basic sight words the summer? You can easily teach your kids sight words at home with music, movement, videos, and fun activities in just…